3rd Grade


3rd gr pic


Religion (200 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
• Participates in weekly liturgy and service
• Recognizes that God’s Kingdom is God’s loving powerat work in the world and that Jesus offers us life forever
• Explains that Mary is the mother of all people
• Understands that scriptures help us to learn about Godand Jesus’ message
• Realizes that worship is a way of praising God, and the signs and symbols of the Sacraments express and enrich our faith
• Celebrates the liturgical year
• Learns that our decisions affect others and ourselves
• Recognizes life is nurtured in a loving family
• Respects the dignity and uniqueness of others
• Learns formal prayer, spontaneous prayer, shares petitions, talks to Jesus in his/her heart


Language Arts(800 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development
• Develops knowledge of common spelling patterns, roots, affixes, and prefixes
• Identifies antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and multiple meaning words.
• Clarifies new words, makes predictions, uses contextclues, and summarizes reading passages
• Practices parts of speech, such as verbs and adjectives
• Reads aloud with fluency, accuracy, and appropriate pacing and expression
Reading Comprehension
• Reads fiction and nonfiction materials independently with literal and inferential comprehension, reading point goals set every quarter through use of Accelerated Reader and Scholastic Reading Counts,
• Rereads, self-corrects, and uses context clues to get meaning
• Answers questions that require analysis, synthesis, andevaluation of grade-level narrative and informational text
• Summarizes, determines main idea, identifies supporting details, follows directions, draws conclusions, and identifies sequence of events
• Distinguishes among common forms of literature
• Explains reasons for character’s actions
Study and Reference Skills
• Researches topics using a variety of reference materials
• Participates in daily independent reading
• Gathers information from charts, graphs, maps, and timelines
• Uses title, table of content, chapter headings, glossary, and index to locate information
• Follows multiple-step written directions in proper sequence
• Alphabetizes to the third letter
• Refines the legibility of writing
• Writes legible cursive
• Creates a paragraph with a minimum of 5 sentences,including a topic sentence and supporting details
• Revises drafts to improve coherence and progression ofideas
• Uses punctuation correctly
• Writes letters and can identify the 5 basic parts of a letter
• Progresses through the stages of the writing process
Listening and Speaking
• Uses clear and specific vocabulary, speaking in a manner that guides listener to understand important ideas by using proper phrasing, pitch, and modulation
• Identifies main idea and supporting details of reports
• Presents stories, poems, and plays
• Engages in constructive exchange of ideas
• Listens critically and responds appropriately to oral communication


Mathematics (250 Minimum Weekly Minutes)

Number Sense
• Identifies and uses numerals 1,000-10,000 and place value through millions
• Practices rounding numbers to nearest ten, hundred, orthousand
• Finds the sums and differences of whole numbers between 0 and 10,000
• Demonstrates concepts of time and money
• Compares and orders money amounts written in decimal form
• Solves problems involving addition and subtraction ofmoney amounts in decimal form
• Knows and uses all multiplication and division facts through 12’s tables, regrouping
• Practices single digit division with remainders
• Adds and subtracts simple fractions
• Orders fractions from least to greatest
• Understands the relationship between whole numbers,simple fractions, and decimals
• Adds and subtracts fractions with a common denominator
Algebra and Functions
• Solves problems with numeric equations or inequalities
• Practices the concept of the unknown
• Recognizes and uses the commutative and associative properties of multiplication
• Extends and recognizes a pattern by using rules
Measurement and Geometry
• Chooses appropriate unites and tools for estimating and measuring objects
• Describes, compares, and contrasts attributes of plane and solid geometric figures, using them to define relationships and solve problems
• Understands symmetry, congruence, points, lines, and segments
• Identifies right, acute, and obtuse angles in figures
• Identifies coordinate locations
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
• Identifies and continues geometric patterns
• Predicts and records possible outcomes
• Interprets data from charts, bar graphs, and pie graphs
Mathematical Reasoning
• Practices multiple problem-solving approaches by using
strategies of drawing a picture, prediction, sequence,
logic, and analysis to find solutions


Computer (30 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
• Demonstrates proper use of the computer
• Recognizes and uses the correct computer terminology
• Learns to insert disks, find files, and save files
• Recognizes the use of the computer as a tool
• Names parts of a computer system, including disk drive and monitor
• Opens graphs programs and is able to access graphics tools


Science (100 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
Physical Science
• Understands that the 3 forms of matter are made up of atoms
• Describes changes that occur when objects are heated, or when substances are combined
• Demonstrates that energy can be stored and converted tomotion
• Understands that light has a source and travels in one direction
Life Science
• Recognizes that plants and animals grow, survive, and reproduce
• Identifies different environments (desert, forest, etc.) and understands that they support different life forms
• Demonstrates knowledge that living things cause positive and negative changes in environments
• Knows that when environments change, plants and animals adapt or become extinct
Earth Science
• Understands that objects in the sky move in regular andpredictable patterns
• Demonstrates that Earth and other planets orbit the sun and themoon orbits Earth
• Explore the position of the solar system through technology (rockets, satellites, space shuttles, and moon stations)
• Compares and contrasts how sunlight changes during the dayand with the seasons
Investigation and Experimentation
• Conducts repeated observations to improve accuracy
• Differentiates evidence from opinion, and know that scientists rely on confirmed observations
• Uses numerical date to describe and compare
• Predicts and compares outcomes of simple investigations
• Collects and analyzes data to develop a logical conclusion


Social Studies (100 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
• Tells reasons why the Pilgrims came to the colonies
• Describes the American Indian nations in their local region long ago and in the recent past
• Researches common foods, clothing, shelter, and traditions of the various American Indian tribes
• Learns an emphasis on the physical and cultural landscape of California, including the study of American Indians, the subsequent arrival of immigrants, and their impact on forming the character of our present-day society
• Interprets timelines, graphs, pictures, charts, and maps
• Explains how natural resources benefit a community
• Locates meridians, parallels, including the Equator
• Differentiates among counties, states, countries, and continents
• Demonstrates knowledge/use of map keys and symbols
• Draws and labels the compass rose using cardinal numbers and intermediate directions
• Discusses reasons for the development of communities in relation to religion and values
• Understands the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the US Government


Physical Education(70 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
• Participates in agility games, exercise, and calisthenics
• Develops ball skills, sportsmanship, coordination, and body skills
• Participates in basketball, baseball, soccer, and track
• Participates in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program
• Develops and understanding for physical health and nutrition


Fine Arts (100 Minimum Weekly Minutes)
• Creates art using line, color, and shape
• Experiments with tint and shade
• Participates in visual and tactile perception
• Demonstrates creative expression
• Appreciates visual arts heritage
• Analyzes and interprets works of art
• Experiments with a self-made color wheel


Educational Field Trips


Book List: A variety of books are available in the school library. You may print out a list of acceptable books from the school website: http://www.stbarbara.com